Find out if you're on track for retirement.
Gain insight into how likely you are to reach your retirement goals and actionable steps to get you back on course (if applicable).
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Find out if you’re on track to retire—or the age when you can do so comfortably!
If you’ve recently googled “retirement calculator” to learn whether or not you’re on track to enjoy the retirement you envision, you’re not alone; according to Semrush, a leading marketing insights company, web users perform over 100,000 monthly searches for this exact phrase.
If you’re like most people, however, you know a retirement calculator is far too simple a tool to answer specific questions such as “Can I retire at age ____ (fill in the blank)?” or “At what age can I confidently retire?”
This is precisely where our “Am I On Track?” service comes into play; we’ll collect your financials and gather insights on your retirement goals to churn out an actual score (from 0 to 100) indicating how likely you are to reach your retirement goals. Not on track after all? We’ll outline actionable steps to get you back on course.
Our “Am I On Track?” service comes fully loaded with the following benefits:
Investment portfolio analysis
Our investment review will identify your risk score and compare your current investment allocation to your ideal allocation—arming you with the knowledge you need to make any necessary changes.
Tax-planning observations
We’ll analyze your most recent income tax return to identify potential tax-planning opportunities as they relate to your current situation. Some examples include tax-efficient investment recommendations, wealth-building strategies, and strategies to maximize your charitable giving.
Social Security review
We’ll assess the degree to which Social Security (vs. other sources of income) will meet your spending needs, determining the best time to claim so you can maximize SS benefits.
Retirement map
We’ll apply everything we know about you to determine whether or not you’ll achieve your retirement goals, providing retirement income projections and thus allowing you to take any corrective action to ensure you’ll enjoy a comfortable and stress-free retirement.
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Pricing and Other Considerations
Recommended for investors aged 50+, our “Am I On Track?” service includes a one-time fee of $590 due upon engagement.
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