Let us simplify your retirement journey ...
. . . especially since the reality of retirement is growing more uncertain over time.
See if our expertise matches with your needs.
Things were very different when our parents planned for their later years.
In the past, people attained retirement income by working for a single employer for 30 years—and would typically retire with generous pensions that would carry them through their retirement years.
Hard work. Sacrifice. Living the “American Dream.” Unfortunately, those days are now behind us. Today, working for a single employer over your lifetime is rare. Even rarer? Gaining access to an employer-paid pension that will support you post-retirement. A longer life expectancy and rising healthcare costs further exacerbate these challenges.
What about the likelihood of our children taking care of us financially when we get older? Let’s not even go there. After all—and through no fault of their own—the younger generation is often burdened with student debt, struggling to survive tough economic times, and facing a potential lack of Social Security to support their own retirement: meaning their later years are just as uncertain as our own.
Too many Americans are unprepared for retirement.
Time and time again, we meet people who are overwhelmed by the idea of planning for retirement.
Saving for a two-week European vacation? Not a problem. Researching new cars to identify the best make, model, and upgrade options? That's easy. Conversely, most people push planning and saving for retirement off to the side . . . until it's too late.
In fact, according to PwC’s recent Retirement in America report, 1 in 4 Americans have no retirement savings and only 36% of those surveyed believe their retirement is on track. What’s more, median savings for soon-to-be retirees (those between the ages of 55 and 64) is equivalent to less than $1,000 a month over a 15-year retirement span. Put bluntly, that’s not enough money to retire in our country.
Emotional decisions often outweigh sound
investment advice.
During periods of uncertainty—such as the 2007-2008 financial crisis and the recent COVID-19 pandemic—we’ve witnessed firsthand far too many people operating in panic mode. For example, when markets went through a correction period and losses were incurred, it wasn’t so uncommon for people to act on their emotions and make knee-jerk choices that turned into financial blunders. Consequently, and in quite a few cases, these mistakes adversely impacted the ability of these folks to enjoy their retirement years.
In 2008, we launched Vision Retirement to
fill these retirement planning gaps.
Now, we relish our opportunity to provide clarity and guidance on a much larger scale so that more people can ultimately enjoy a comfortable and stress-free retirement.

Start simplifying
your journey and speak to a financial advisor today.
See if our expertise matches with your needs.