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Almost 1 in every 4 investors is
over-exposed to risk.

Mitigate any unnecessary risk in your investments by scheduling a
complimentary portfolio review and risk assessment today.

complimentary portfolio review  Contact us Locations Vision Retirement financial planning investment management advice subscription fiduciary CFP Ridgewood NJ Poughkeepsie NY financial advisor Ridgewood NJ

Market volatility is inevitable, especially during periods of uncertainty. Think of the dot-com bubble of 2000, the financial crisis of 2007-2008, and, most recently the COVID-19 pandemic. Volatility also doesn’t have to be fueled by a wide-scale event. Mid-term elections, tax changes, changes in interest rates, and updates in monetary policies can also help foster turbulent environments. The point here is that market volatility is a constant risk when investing.

For many, such risks mean unwelcome surprises to their investments, and, for those who are undisciplined, can lead to rash decisions that can adversely impact their investment portfolio.

Fidelity recently stated that 24.2% of investors
are over-exposed to risk.

You don’t have to fall into this group. In fact, the best action you can take to ensure your investment portfolio better manages risk from market volatility is to review it periodically. Conducting such an evaluation can potentially better position you so that the next market downturn doesn't take an unnecessary chunk out of your hard-earned savings and derail your goals.

Get a complimentary portfolio review and
risk report.

As a new email subscriber, you’re eligible to receive a complimentary portfolio review and risk report. This way you'll know if you're overexposed to risks and, if so, what actions you need to take to address them—i.e., a roadmap for moving forward. Just schedule a no-obligation appointment with one of our CFP® professionals by clicking on the below. Then, in the reason for meeting field, enter “complimentary portfolio review.”