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What is a Health Savings Account (HSA), and How Does it Work?
Learn all about health savings accounts, how they work, and what makes them an excellent investment vehicle to help cover future medical expenses.
What Is Long-Term Care Insurance and Is It Worth It?
While requiring assistance for daily activities may not be something you want to think about, it’s prudent to plan accordingly for long-term care expenses.
How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?
Most people know they need life insurance, but it’s not always easy to determine which type or how much coverage is required.
Read This Before Purchasing an Annuity
Deciding to invest in an annuity is by no means an easy decision, and it’s important to understand what exactly it is you’re buying.
Should I Buy Term or Permanent Life Insurance?
Choosing the right type of life insurance is often a challenging prospect. In this post, we’ll review your options and then help you evaluate each one.
Is a Long-Term Care Policy Worth It?
While it’s impossible to predict if you’ll ever require long-term care, it’s critical to have a plan in place should the need ever arise. Here’s why…
Want to Self-Fund Your Long-Term Care? Read This!
While individuals enjoy a few different options with respect to covering potential long-term care expenses, let’s examine self-funding, specifically.
Six Types of Insurance Everyone Needs
Insurance is the one thing nobody wants to pay for. Yet without proper coverage, you could be just one catastrophe away from serious financial implications.
Read This Before Prepaying for Your Funeral Expenses
In this post, we’ll outline your prepayment options and present alternatives to ultimately help you decide whether or not to prepay your funeral expenses.