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Working and Collecting Social Security: What You Need to Know
While you can work and collect Social Security benefits simultaneously, the dollar amount of your monthly check is sometimes temporarily reduced in this case.
Is Social Security Taxable?
While Social Security benefits are taxable, how much you’ll pay ultimately depends on your income from other taxable sources as well as where you live.
Social Security: What is COLA and How Does it Work?
We’ll review how COLA is calculated, highlight some historical data, and explain why—even with COLA—the purchasing power of Social Security has declined.
15 Things You Need to Know About Social Security
Social Security is full of complexities and extremely dynamic, changing almost every year. This post will help you sort through the clutter.
How to Maximize Your Social Security Benefits
In this post, we’ll outline various approaches on how to maximize your Social Security benefits so you can enjoy retirement to the fullest.
How Social Security Spousal Benefits Work
If you’re currently married, divorced, or widowed, you may be entitled to Social Security benefits based on your partner’s (or ex’s) work record.
Six Reasons to Claim Social Security Benefits Early
While it’s best to wait until full retirement age to claim Social Security benefits, a few specific circumstances covered in this article say otherwise.
Upcoming Social Security Changes You Should Know About
Whether you receive a Social Security check or pay into the program, familiarize yourself with these key changes on tap for 2024.
Top Eight Facts About Social Security
If you’re curious about Social Security and the program’s impact on current recipients and future retirees, read on.