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What Happens If You Die Without a Will?
Dying without a will is called "intestacy," and it can cause several challenges for family members left behind. Read all about them here.
Inheritance Tax Management: Preservation Strategies
Learn all about inheritance taxes, various types, and key strategies on how to minimize (or even avoid!) them.
Common Estate Planning Questions, Answered
Curious to learn the difference between a will and estate plan or if estate planning fees are tax deductible? This article answers these questions and more.
Updating Your Retirement Account Beneficiaries: Why It’s So Important
If you have a retirement account or life insurance policy, it’s crucial to stay up-to-date with your list of beneficiaries.
Splitting an Inheritance Between Your Kids
In this post, we’ll share strategies you can use to divide your assets without dividing your family.
Estate Planning Basics: 6 Tools You Need to Know
Before you develop an estate plan, it’s important to understand estate planning basics. Familiarize yourself with these commonly used tools to start.