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Fixed Rate vs. ARM Mortgages: How to Choose?
Looking to take out a mortgage? You’ll first need to decide between a fixed-rate and adjustable-rate mortgage. Read this post to save some time in the process.
Interest Rate vs. APR: How to Compare Mortgages
Most first-time homebuyers know to sock away cash for a large down payment, but how many know the difference between an interest rate and APR?
Mortgage Preapprovals: What You Should Know
If you’re ready to tackle homeownership, the first step is to seek out a preapproval letter that documents exactly how much money you’re qualified to borrow.
When to Refinance Your Mortgage
When does it make sense to refinance your mortgage? Read this post to learn more.
Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage Before Retirement?
While paying off your mortgage will likely provide you with the greatest flexibility during retirement, it may not always make sense.