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What You Should Know About the New Jersey “Exit Tax”
Considering leaving New Jersey to embark on your retirement in less expensive environs? You’ll need to account for New Jersey's "exit tax."
The Most Common Retirement Planning Mistakes
Many retirees have regrets about their retirement-planning process. Here are some of the biggest mistakes and corresponding tips so you can avoid the same.
How to Assess if You’re Mentally Prepared for Retirement
Though it flies under the radar, mental preparation is a key part of the retirement equation and often just as imposing as its financial counterpart.
What is the 4% rule for retirement withdrawals?
Are you wondering how to establish a safe withdrawal rate for your retirement savings? Read this post about the 4% rule.
How to Better Prepare for Retirement in Your 50s
No matter how much (or how little) you’ve saved, check out these seven retirement savings strategies to better prepare for your golden years.
What is a Spousal IRA, and How Can You Open One?
If you're married and your spouse doesn't have a job or earns only a modest income, consider contributing to a spousal IRA to help them save for retirement.
Investing During Inflation: How to Manage Your Risk
Even though inflation has eased, safeguarding your assets and investments from potential future inflation remains essential. Here’s how to do it effectively.
RMD Rules and How to Defer/Avoid Taxes on Them
If you’re saving money in a 401(k) or traditional IRA for your retirement, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with RMDs and their rules.
Biggest Expenses for Retirees & How to Minimize Them!
According to recent Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data, retiree households spend an average of about $5k a month. Here are the biggest retiree expenses.