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The Most Tax-Friendly States for Retirees
Determining where to live in retirement isn’t an easy decision, with so many factors to consider. That said, one often-overlooked consideration is taxes.
Why Planning for Retirement is More Complicated Today
Planning for retirement is much more challenging than it was for previous generations, and this post explores why.
Medicare 101: An Overview of the Basics
Medicare plays an important role in medical costs as you age, making it imperative you understand exactly how this program works.
Want to Self-Fund Your Long-Term Care? Read This!
While individuals enjoy a few different options with respect to covering potential long-term care expenses, let’s examine self-funding, specifically.
Using the Rule of 55 to Take Early 401(k) Withdraws
If you need early access to your employer-sponsored retirement account, you should know about the rule of 55 to help avoid IRS fees.
Tips on How Not to Run Out of Money in Retirement
Worried you won’t have enough money to enjoy retirement? Here are some steps to minimize (or even avoid!) financial roadblocks in your later years.
Understanding & Avoiding Medicare Surcharges (IRMAA)
If you’ve never heard of IRMAA or are unaware of Medicare surcharges and how they work, you’re not alone! This post is here to help.
Reverse Mortgage Payment Plan Options
If you decide to take out a reverse mortgage, several payment plan options will be available to you.
Six Types of Insurance Everyone Needs
Insurance is the one thing nobody wants to pay for. Yet without proper coverage, you could be just one catastrophe away from serious financial implications.